The road

I'm wondering why this time of year makes me so apathetic and unmotivated.
As the winter is just setting in (nearly a month and half too late), I'm finding many problems surfacing, both personal and filmic, and have been rather uneasy as a result. Looking back on last year's posts, which were pessimistic but oddly deterministic, it makes me realize that little has changed.
Even though I've finished shooting this film, I'm in no hurry to finish editing it. It's hard to spend nearly two years shooting and then expect to be edited in four months. I have no projected finish date, nor do I care to create one. I have no one to finish this film for but myself, the subject, and friends and family who graciously assisted me throughout production.
I should also mention that it appears as if my family will be moving soon. Having been unable to concentrate living here, let alone the mindset to edit, has been another factor. Moving on top of this means little time to do anything.
So this will be on hiatus for a bit. I might post soon, but it depends on whether the film has made progress.