Documentary film production site of (tentatively titled) "The Drift"

Thursday, September 06, 2007

This and this

Well, I know now what it takes to make a feature length film: everyfuckingthing.

I went through the wringer this week, trying to conform all of the footage I shot in 29.97fps to 23.98 fps. Of course, this came with so many issues, such horrendous consequences, that I am now re-importing 20 or so hours once again to 29.97fps, for good. These technical mishaps, my fault for taking the advice of others and being impatient and fickle, have set me back and continue to do so. Again, here I am not making this damn movie.

On the other hand, having to go through the first twenty hours of this film was rewarding: I found "missing" footage from David and his family, reviewed footage I had dismissed, and looked at footage I planned on keeping. A bit unnerving, but rewarding still.

The summer is over and all I got were three hard drives filled to the brim with footage. Every sequence I finished I need to redo and I still have no coherent structure perse, just notes and a few fleeting ideas. The more I think about what I want this film to be, the more the footage changes when I view it, the more I am unnerved.

I'm still trying to push for deadlines, but I don't know anymore. I need to put in 10 hour days for this to be done on time...who knows. I want nothing more than to be finished, content, and ready to move from Binghamton, but alas, none of those are happening or have happened.

I also have no footage of David in Crawford, Texas in 2005 and Seattle in 2006. I couldn't go on those trips, sadly, and those who had footage of him in those places have lost it. I'm waiting to contact someone from Veterans for Peace regarding a clip of David in Seattle...hopefully that'll work out.

Note to self on next project: edit as you shoot, drink more, no handheld images (less Lars von Trier and more Pedro Costa), and try to secure funds. This is impossibly tough.


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