The past is a grotesque animal

It's been months since I've posted anything here, but in many ways, I've had little to say about filmmaking or this film in particular. Basically since beginning full time work, I've had little time to focus on the production of this film, now retitled as "The Drift". My father passed away unexpectedly in March, making it a near impossibility to focus, let alone want to work on this film at all. In reality, I've had little time and no ambition.
In the meantime, these past few months, I've completely forgotten who I was or where I was going. Or what I wanted. I'm somewhere else now. I'm moving, once again, in less than two weeks, and will be unemployed soon after that. I'm purchasing a new Mac in the coming weeks, so a faster and more efficient computer can see through this film's completion, which I will spend all summer finishing.
In many ways, I need to finish this film. I wish my dad could've seen it, instead he faded away not ever seeing a single film of mine. I also need to finish it to move the fuck on, the work on other things. I'm giving myself about three months to work on it, that's it. I've had nearly a year to mull over materials, which I haven't done, and have squandered many opportunities I could've looked into, such as grants or film festivals. By the time everything is said and done, the film's subject matter may even be dated, which scares me. But oh well.
So, hopefully by my next posting, I'll actually have something to say about this film's progress, instead of bullshitting my way out of why I hadn't done anything.
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