The drift
Well, since the last post, the new year came, I turned 25, and the film is exactly where I left off.
However, a dramatic shift in between occurred: I've begun full time work and I'm fully prepared to finish this damn film. I can't say that I've been at all productive, kept my promises, or am even being remotely interesting in this space. I am, however, trying to do all of those things.
To be fair, I feel, in retrospect, that I needed a break from the materials for this film. It was a long shoot, exhausting emotionally, and I am only beginning to understand (from a distance) where I was going or trying to accomplish. I advise all filmmakers to log and capture as you shoot, by the way. I'm painfully behind, yes, and have only a fraction of the work done, as well. But the drive to finish this film is two fold: to move on to other projects and to, well, move, somewhere other than Binghamton. Taking this project with me being a good first step.
So, hopefully when I type my next post it'll be on a new computer, allowing me faster editing time and updated software. My time might be lessened by full time work, but as a part timer since the summer of 2005, it's proved to be worthwhile only while working on this film, shooting that is. Not having a computer job right now, or being under the paralyzing glow of florescent lighting, gives my eyes a nice break for editing.
I'm thrilled to be motivated again, even if it's to finish and move on.